Farmer’s Market Bouquet


Preorder a beautiful bouquet of flowers and greenery, all grown with care on our farm! Bouquets are for pick-up at the Trumbull Farmer’s Market on Thursdays between 4 – 7 PM. Orders placed will be available at the next upcoming market. Our blooms sell out quickly, so reserve your bunch in advance! **Contents of the bouquets will vary based on seasonal flowers and greenery available, but all are guaranteed to be gorgeous! See details below for more info.

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These are not your typical grocery store flowers; we grow varieties that are uncommonly beautiful! Choose a bouquet wrapped in paper for $30, a large mason jar bouquet for $35, or an arrangement in a handmade vase for $55.

Vase dimensions: 6.5″ wide x 3.75″ deep x 8″ high

We're at the Trumbull Farmer's Market, located at Twin Brooks Park, from 4-7 PM on Thursdays, May - Sept.

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